Como toros que salen impetuosos del toril, muchos ciudadanos salimos el fin de semana ávidos de vida gastronómica y social. La oferta culinaria se nos ofrece a la carta en el lugar que elegimos (o que eligen nuestros bolsillos), mientras que la vida social se nos ofrece como vianda del bosque, que depende del lugar por donde transites y con quien te tropieces.
Especialmente valoramos estas salidas de ocio en tiempos de la malvada pandemia, que disfrutamos como el limitado tiempo del delicioso recreo escolar de la infancia, y que ya adultos – con la que está cayendo- hace que nos sintamos en libertad vigilada, guardando distancias, atados a la mascarilla y sometidos a la rigidez de consultar la carta por el móvil y adaptarnos en la mesa a soportar la asepsia propia de un quirófano.
En esas condiciones disfruté este sábado de un almuerzo familiar risueño en un llagar o sidrería, que hace las veces de ópera para los asturianos, aunque más informal y escandalosa. Así que, entre trago y mordisco, emociones y sonrisas, pude avizorar a una pareja de amigos que desde otra mesa me saludaban con la mano, y a los que hice idéntico gesto, muy propio de náufragos de islas próximas.
Tras la mentira piadosa de no tomar postre para engañar a las calorías, pese a que ya había engordado bastante con lo que no era postre, me levanté y acudí hasta la mesa de la pareja a saludarles, donde María y Federico, una que escribe tan bien como habla y otro que habla tan bien como escribe, me brindaron el saludable recibimiento de un momento simple pero que dan sentido a la vida y enaltece los corazones.
No hablamos de la pitanza del lugar porque los tres compartimos la vieja idea de que más importante que lo que hay sobre el mantel son los que se sientan en las sillas, así que tras un intercambio de palabras sobre la situación pandémica, la atmósfera jovial y entrañable que nos rodeó durante el breve encuentro, nos permitió alimentarnos de eso que no venden en las farmacias, que no da la tecnología y que no traen los porteadores a casa. Algo tan sencillo como sana cordialidad, respeto, atención y sonrisas cálidas.
En fin, que los encuentros breves y cordiales son la sal de ese viacrucis que llamamos vida.
Se trata de esas píldoras de contacto social que nos son regaladas cuando salimos de nuestro hogar y nos encontramos con amigos, compañeros o conocidos sin cita previa. Algo que por fortuna regalan las pequeñas ciudades sin que nadie nos cobre impuestos por ello.
Es gratificante conocer personas por casualidades de la vida que te vuelves a encontrar por casualidad y con las que te encuentras cómodo.
- No me refiero lógicamente a aquellas personas, afortunadamente pocas, que conoces casualmente y que lo consideran una carta de invitación para atosigarte y vampirizar tu menguado tiempo de ociosidad (el clásico dar la mano y tomarte el pie…, la cartera y el pelo). No.
- Tampoco me refiero a los encuentros por redes sociales o a través de pantallitas, que son un frío sucedáneo de un encuentro presencial real, cara a cara, compartiendo atmósfera y escenario.
- Ni tampoco a los encuentros ocasionales en un marco negativo (funerales, hospitales,etcétera).
Me refiero a los encuentros imprevistos con personas con las que intuitivamente empatizas, pese a no haber compartido experiencias significativas, que tienen lugar sin orden del día, cuyo comienzo y fin se marca espontáneamente y en que actuamos despojados de roles, máscaras o disfraces propios de la profesión o trabajo.
No digamos ya los encuentros con los conocidos, o amigos de segundo y tercer grado, se produce en otro lugar distante de la residencia de ambos. Se invierte la ley de la gravedad de Newton pues con la distancia aumenta la fuerza de la atracción personal y el alborozo del encuentro. Basta pensar en que el encuentro con un conocido en el barrio con el que apenas nos detenemos, se convertiría en una charla efusiva de tropezárnoslo en Tokio.
Especialmente valiosos son los encuentros, por desgracia cada vez más frecuentes, en plazas o calles, con personas mayores, ya jubiladas o que pasean su soledad y dolencias en silencio (antiguos vecinos, padres o madres de amigos, compañeros ya retirados,etcétera). Cuando les entregamos unas breves palabras, realizamos un cambio de impresiones, y en definitiva, hacemos que se sientan reconocidos y útiles, nos invade un gran bienestar. Ellos reciben una inyección de energía y ganas de vivir, y nosotros nos enriquecemos emocionalmente al hacer algo por los demás sin esperar nada a cambio.
En fin, que los encuentros breves y casuales aportan mucho porque nos permiten ser espontáneos, cercanos y beneficiarnos de trato recíproco.
Con estas burbujas de apacibilidad, quedaremos inmunizados frente a los virus. Al menos, son encuentros que nos acercan a la esencia de la condición humana: contar con el otro y sentir la cercanía de los otros.
Like bulls that come out impetuous from the bullpen, many citizens go out on the weekend eager for gastronomic and social life. The gastronomic offer is offered to us a la carte in the place we choose (or that our pockets choose), while the social life is offered to us as food from the forest, which depends on where you travel and who you bump into. We especially value these leisure outings in times of the evil pandemic, which we enjoy as the limited time of the delicious school recess of childhood, and which as adults makes us feel on probation, keeping our distance, tied to the mask and subjected to the rigidity of consulting the letter on the mobile and adapting at the table to withstand the asepsis typical of an operating room. Under these conditions, this Saturday I enjoyed a happy family lunch in a llagar or cider house, which serves as an opera for Asturians, although more informal and scandalous. So, between drink and bite, emotions and smiles, I could see a couple of friends who waved at me from another table, and to whom I made the same gesture, very typical of shipwrecked people from nearby islands. After the white lie of not having dessert to cheat the calories, despite the fact that I had already gained enough weight with what was not dessert, I got up and went to the couple’s table to greet them, where María and Federico, one who writes so Well as he speaks and another who speaks as well as he writes, they gave me the healthy reception of a simple moment but that gives meaning to life and exalts hearts. We do not talk about the pitanza of the place because the three of us share the old idea that more important than what is on the tablecloth are those who sit on the chairs, so after an exchange of words about the pandemic situation, the jovial atmosphere and The endearing person who surrounded us during the brief meeting, allowed us to feed on what they do not sell in pharmacies, that technology does not provide and that porters do not bring home. Something as simple as healthy cordiality, respect, attention and warm smiles. It is not that there was a great friendship in the background or that we had to comment on something interesting or current, but it was simply the same as the unexpected encounter of homo socials, that we did not waste an opportunity to show ourselves that neither viruses, nor crises, nor ailments can with the force of a look, a few words and a few laughs. In short, brief and cordial encounters are the salt of that way of the cross that we call life. I am not unaware of the very serious and serious problems of the situation for those who suffer the virus in their flesh or bear government remedies, but I think that with the restrictions of confinement, the deprivation of meals and social lunches is not a serious damage, but rather it What I have genuinely regretted and hit on the waterline of my vitality has been the sacrifice of the brief and occasional encounters of lost coffees in company, of the slaps and shaking hands that have vanished, or those conversations of brief encounters in corridors, streets and restaurants or hypermarkets … It is about those social contact pills that are given to us when we leave our home and meet friends, colleagues or acquaintances without an appointment. Something that fortunately small cities give away without anyone charging us taxes for it. It is gratifying to meet people by chance in life that you meet again by chance and with whom you feel comfortable. I am not referring logically to those people, fortunately few, that you know casually and who consider it an invitation letter to harass you and vampirize your diminished idle time (the classic shaking hands and taking your foot …, the purse and the hair). Do not. Nor am I referring to encounters on social networks or through screens, which are a cold substitute for a real face-to-face encounter, sharing atmosphere and scenery. Nor to occasional encounters in a negative setting (funerals, hospitals, etc.). I refer to unforeseen encounters with people who intuitively empathize, despite not having shared significant experiences, which take place without an agenda, whose beginning and end are spontaneously marked and in which we act stripped of roles, masks or disguises typical of the profession or work. A meeting of plain people that is woven with that master key to cordiality that involves crossing a few simple words point-blank, with emotional meaning: oral hugs (Hello, how are you?), Camaraderie (How long without seeing you!), Effusion (I’m glad to see you!), Nostalgia (What times were those!), Sensitivity (Take care of yourself!), And so on. And of course, exchange comments, sparks and occurrences knowing that we are not speaking to a prosecutor or a censor, but to someone who offers himself with the same open and generous attitude. Let’s not say when that encounter with the acquaintances or friends, or second and third degree friends, occurs in another place distant from the residence of both. Newton’s law of gravity is reversed because with distance the force of gravity’s attraction increases and the joy of the encounter increases. Just think that the meeting with an acquaintance in the neighborhood with whom we hardly stop, would turn into an effusive talk of running into him in Tokyo. Let’s not say the encounters, unfortunately increasingly frequent, in squares or streets, with elderly people, already retired or who walk their loneliness and ailments in silence (former neighbors, parents of friends, colleagues already retired, etc.). When we give them a few words, we make an exchange of impressions, and ultimately, we make them feel recognized and useful, a great well-being invades us. They receive an injection of energy and zest for life, and we become emotionally enriched by doing something for others without expecting anything in return. In short, brief and casual encounters contribute a lot because they allow us to be spontaneous, close and benefit from reciprocal treatment. With these bubbles of mildness, we will be immunized against viruses. At least, they are encounters that take us away from them and bring us closer to the essence of the human condition: counting on the other and feeling the closeness of others.
they move away from them and we
del toril, many citizens go out on the weekend eager for gastronomic and social life. The gastronomic offer is offered to us à la carte in the place we choose (or that our pockets choose), while the social life is offered to us as food from the forest, which depends on the place where you travel and who you bump into. We especially value these leisure outings in times of the evil pandemic, which we enjoy as the limited time of the delicious school recess of childhood, and that as adults – with which it is falling – makes us feel on probation, keeping distances, tied to the mask and subjected to the rigidity of consulting the letter on the mobile phone and adapting ourselves at the table to withstand the asepsis typical of an operating room. Under these conditions, this Saturday I enjoyed a happy family lunch in a llagar or cider house, which serves as an opera for Asturians, although more informal and scandalous. So, between drink and bite, emotions and smiles, I could see a couple of friends who waved at me from another table, and to whom I made the same gesture, very typical of shipwrecked people from nearby islands. After the white lie of not having dessert for
They take place without an agenda, whose beginning and end are spontaneously marked and in which we act stripped of roles, masks or disguises typical of the profession or work. Let’s not say the encounters with acquaintances, or friends of the second and third degree, take place in another place distant from the residence of both. Newton’s law of gravity is reversed because with distance increases the strength of personal attraction and the exhilaration of the encounter. Just think that the meeting with an acquaintance in the neighborhood with whom we hardly stop, would turn into an effusive talk of running into him in Tokyo. Especially valuable are the encounters, unfortunately increasingly frequent, in squares or streets, with elderly people, already retired or who walk their loneliness and ailments in silence (former neighbors, fathers or mothers of a
I am not unaware of the very serious and serious problems of the situation for those who suffer the virus in their flesh or bear government remedies, but I think that with the restrictions of confinement, the deprivation of meals and social lunches is not a serious damage, but rather it What I have genuinely regretted and hit on the waterline of my vitality has been the sacrifice of the brief and occasional encounters of lost coffees in company, of the slaps and shaking hands that have vanished, or those conversations of brief encounters in corridors, parks, streets and restaurants or hypermarkets … It is about those social contact pills that are given to us when we leave our home and meet friends, colleagues or acquaintances without an appointment. Something that fortunately small cities give away without anyone charging us taxes for it. It is gratifying to meet people
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¡Bravo, señoría!
Muchísimas gracias por tan bonito y sentido “elogio”.
Tanto , Federico como yo, nos hemos sentido , no solo halagados- qué sí- sino también sorprendidos de que alguien cumpla su palabra tan escrupulosamente, en el tiempo.
Muchas gracias por todo lo que nos dices, amigo,
Solo, si me lo permites, apuntar que en el título, yo habría añadido : “ y que saben a gloria”
Dispensa la licencia, pero así nos supo a nosotros charlar contigo.
Espero , muy pronto, volver a disfrutar de otro rato de charla vivificante.
Un cordial abrazo de tus amigos Federico y Maria.
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Por supuesto, amigos, siempre será un placer saludaros con mantel y sin mantel, con o sin pandemia, pues lo importante son las personas. Un abrazote
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Encuentros espontáneos, amistosos y pequeños son tropiezos atinados de luz, corazón y tiempo, unión arquitectura perfecta para crear momentos disfrutables, completos e intensos.
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